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I have a problem with running runmlwin through the Stata 15 in MacOS High Sierra./sheridan-c-series-serial-numbers.html. Stata 是一套提供其使用者数据分析、数据管理以及绘制专业图表的完整及整合性统计软件。它提供许许多多功能,包含线性混合模型、均衡重复反复及多项式普罗比模式。用Stata绘制的统计图形相当精美。 安装 步骤.
- For example, say a DMG file isn't just storing compressed files like images and videos but is instead holding a software program. You can extract/open the DMG file in Windows using one of the programs mentioned below, but you can't actually execute the program and use it like you would another Windows application.
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- Click on Stata16.dmg to download the disk image to your Downloads folder. Once the disk image has finished downloading, open your Downloads folder and double-click on Stata16.dmg. Double-click on Install Stata.
I run a two-level model in the Stata. It results in '..invalid name'. I used to run the same model on another Mac (with STATA 14) and it worked. Also, I run an old stata script adopting runmlwin (for Windows) which did not work on the current MacOS (after changing the runmlwin macro paths).
After reading similar posts on this Forum, I guess that the mlnscript path is incorrect. The current one is:
global MLwiN_path '/Volumes/mln/mlnscript'
global MLwiNScript_path '/Volumes/mln/mlnscript'
This is the same path that successfully worked on the previous Mac (Stata 14) and where the four files exctracted from the MLN.dmg apparently ended up on ('/Volumes/mln/libshp.dylib ; exit;' is the message appearing on the Terminal after executing MLN.dmg).
Here is the command of the script:
runmlwin y `Is1' `Is3' `Ir1' `Ir3',
level2(l2id: Is Ir , diagonal)
discrete(distribution(binomial) link(logit) denom(exposure))
mcmc(burnin(5000) chain(1000) orth seed(1)) initsprevious batch
#delimit cr
The local macros, such as`Is1', stand for the covariates.
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To be sure, I run also the example on the Mlwin website, which yields the same outcome.
. use http://www.bristol.ac.uk/cmm/media/runmlwin/tutorial, clear
. runmlwin normexam cons standlrt, level2(school: cons) level1(student:cons) nopause
. . . invalid name
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Please see attached file for 'set trace on' command. The errore is displayed at page number 25 / highlighted
Thank you very much.